Thursday, July 30, 2009

<title>test part two</title>
<p><body>this is also a test</body>

Thursday, April 23, 2009

this is a test for sms posting.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Feel free to comment, but please wait until December 10th. Thank you.

What does this have to do with string theory( a final project post)

The more observant readers might notice that i have not mentioned string theory for 7 or so posts. That is because strings cause all of these things to happen. The superstring is the smallest particle in the universe, at 1 Planck length in diameter. Depending on how they vibrate, they cause both forces and matter. This means that everything, including gravity and magnetism, is made out of Superstrings!!! That is why Superstring Theory is sometimes called the Universal Theory.

Quantum Mechanics... and why it will not be a part of this blog

Quantum Mechanics are the laws governing the tiny particles of the universe. They are also virtually impossible to understand. I will not pretend to know them, so they are not a part of this blog.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The four dimensions of motion

Everybody knows the three dimensions of space and motion.First dimension:A point in space. Second dimension:horizontal motion. Third dimension:vertical motion. These three dimensions are what let us move through space. But what Special Relativity tell us, is that there is a fourth dimension of motion:time. Apparently, everything moves through time (that makes sense when you think about it.) The more motion you have through space, the less motion you have through time. This means that time is relative. If there was a car that could travel at 99.99999 percent of the speed of light, it would move through time much more slowly that a bystander. if the driver had a watch, it would tick much more slowly than the bystander's watch. There is also a strange conclusion to be drawn from this. There is a particle which travels at the cosmic speed limit of 670 million miles per hour, called the photon. Because this photon is using all of it's motion to travel through space, it does not move at all through time. Photons do not age! Light is just as old as it was after the big bang.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The four fundemental forces of nature

There are four fundamental forces: Electromagnetism, gravity, the strong force, and the weak force. The strong force is the force that keeps the parts of an atom together. It makes quarks stick to each other, and it makes protons and neutrons cluster. The weak force causes atomic decay, which makes certain elements radioactive. Examples of these elements are Uranium, Plutonium, and Cobalt. The electromagnetic force has its own particle, called the photon. Light is classified under the field of electromagnetism. Finally, there is gravity. Gravity is the tendency of objects with mass to attract each other with a specific force. We know a lot about these forces, but until 20 years ago, we didn't know very much about why they existed.